Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Baby It's Cold Outside (...and Snowy)

Can't believe it has finally snowed for real.  There's a solid couple of inches out there and it keeps falling.  Global Warming Hoax Confirmed!

But I digress.  I spent Christmas in VT with Sarah's family and it was awesome!  No snow for skiing but we made do with a variety of activities including going multiple times to a diner, going CANDLEPIN BOWLING, and drinking plenty of VT beer.

They have started bottling Switchback Ale into six-packs of short, stubby bottles.  It is an amazing thing to see finally.  I've been a huge fan of switch back for a couple of years now.  Good friend turned me on to and I get it whenever it is on tap.  They then started putting into big 750ml bottles and that was great.  Now I rejoice at the sight of these lil' "snub-nose" grenade-shaped bottles.  Give the bottle a good 360 degree turn (ass over tea kettle) to mix in the unfiltered yeast sediment that has collected at the bottom of the bottle.  VOILA!

(c) Steal This Jpg 2015
The next beer I will be reviewing is The SHED BREWERY's Profanity Ale:  an *"obscenely malted hoppiness".  Woof!  It's definitely malty first thing in the morning...or whenever you'd be enjoying such a treat.  It's got the caramel and a bit of a toasted almond on the back of the tongue.  It's an American brown ale and that isn't to date one of my favorite varieties of beers.  That being said, it stands out as better than the Mountain Ale of which I am also not a fan.  It's not bad but I'd really have to be in the mood for a solid brown ale and that almost never happens.  Chalk it up to good old fashioned bias and prejudice!

I bought a couple of bigger bottles at the Brattleboro Food Co-op.  Wow!  What a place!  If I did want to move to Brattleboro, having this place to do my grocery shopping would be a huge reason for a relocation.  It's like an independent Whole Foods owned by Bernie Sanders and run by hobbits.  

I'll be reviewing all the bottles in the next couple of days so stay tuned and watch NATURE SHOW 2


Friday, March 27, 2015

...The Swing Of Things

Oh!  How The Portland is changing!

I haven't written in this blog for sometime but I feel compelled to do so now.  The Great Thaw is happening and old ideas and emotions are being resescuitated and are being brought back to life.

It was brought to my attention that the Portland Phoenix's annual "Best Of…" voting is underway so I hopped on to see what they thought deserved recognition.

I instantly hate the fact that there is no longer a "write-in" element of their survey.  So if you like a place or business that isn't nominated then you are shit out of luck.

As I find my self skipping categories all together I find that certain businesses are being nominated for a lot of categories:  Best Bar - Portland Lobster Co…said no one ever.  Best Beer Selection - Portland Lobster Co…I'm going to go ahead and say no again.  WTF?

I don't usually bitch and gripe but I just did so whatever, right?

This Ain't Over